MMS Dataset and Benchmark

The most extensive open massively multilingual corpus of datasets for training sentiment models. The corpus consists of 79 manually selected from over 350 datasets reported in the scientific literature based on strict quality criteria and covers 27 languages.

Despite impressive advancements in multilingual corpora collection and model training, developing large-scale deployments of multilingual models still presents a significant challenge. This is particularly true for language tasks that are culture-dependent. One such example is the area of multilingual sentiment analysis, where affective markers can be subtle and deeply ensconced in culture.

This work presents the most extensive open massively multilingual corpus of datasets for training sentiment models. The corpus consists of 79 manually selected datasets from over 350 datasets reported in the scientific literature based on strict quality criteria. The corpus covers 27 languages representing 6 language families. Datasets can be queried using several linguistic and functional features. In addition, we present a multi-faceted sentiment classification benchmark summarizing hundreds of experiments conducted on different base models, training objectives, dataset collections, and fine-tuning strategies.


Massively Multilingual Sentiment Datasets

Analysis and benchmarking

HuggingFace Spaces with Analysis and Benchmark

General statistics about the dataset

It may take some time to download the dataset and generate train set inside HuggingFace dataset. Please be patient.

mms_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("Brand24/mms")
mms_dataset_df = mms_dataset["train"].to_pandas()

How many examples do we have?

{'train': 6164762}


We provide not only texts and sentiment labels but we assigned many additional dimensions for datasets and languages, hence it is possible to splice and dice them as you want and need.

{'_id': Value(dtype='int32', id=None),
 'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'label': ClassLabel(names=['negative', 'neutral', 'positive'], id=None),
 'original_dataset': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'domain': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'language': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Family': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Genus': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Definite articles': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Indefinite articles': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Number of cases': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Order of subject, object, verb': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Negative morphemes': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Polar questions': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Position of negative word wrt SOV': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Prefixing vs suffixing': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Coding of nominal plurality': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'Grammatical genders': Value(dtype='string', id=None),
 'cleanlab_self_confidence': Value(dtype='float32', id=None)}


{'_id': 2001000,
 'text': 'I was a tomboy and this has such great memories for me. They fit exactly how I remember, PERFECTLY!!',
 'label': 2,
 'original_dataset': 'en_amazon',
 'domain': 'reviews',
 'language': 'en',
 'Family': 'Indo-European',
 'Genus': 'Germanic',
 'Definite articles': 'definite word distinct from demonstrative',
 'Indefinite articles': 'indefinite word distinct from one',
 'Number of cases': '2',
 'Order of subject, object, verb': 'SVO',
 'Negative morphemes': 'negative particle',
 'Polar questions': 'interrogative word order',
 'Position of negative word wrt SOV': 'SNegVO',
 'Prefixing vs suffixing': 'strongly suffixing',
 'Coding of nominal plurality': 'plural suffix',
 'Grammatical genders': 'no grammatical gender',
 'cleanlab_self_confidence': 0.9978116750717163}


labels = mms_dataset["train"].features["label"].names
['negative', 'neutral', 'positive']
mms_dataset_df["label_name"] = mms_dataset_df["label"].apply(lambda x: labels[x])

Classes distribution

labels_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(mms_dataset_df.label_name.value_counts())
labels_stats_df["percentage"] = (labels_stats_df["label_name"] / labels_stats_df["label_name"].sum()).round(3)
label_name percentage
positive 3494478 0.567
neutral 1341354 0.218
negative 1328930 0.216

Sentiment orientation for each language

cols = ['language', 'label_name']
mms_dataset_df[cols].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'count'}).sort_values(by=cols, ascending=True)
language label_name count
7 ar negative 138899
4 ar neutral 192774
1 ar positive 600402
53 bg negative 13930
41 bg neutral 28657
... ... ... ...
62 ur neutral 8585
67 ur positive 5836
9 zh negative 117967
21 zh neutral 69016
6 zh positive 144719

81 rows × 3 columns

Per language

cols = ['language']
mms_dataset_df[cols].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'count'}).sort_values(by=cols, ascending=True)
language count
1 ar 932075
15 bg 62150
20 bs 36183
8 cs 196287
4 de 315887
0 en 2330486
2 es 418712
23 fa 13525
6 fr 210631
25 he 8619
22 hi 16999
12 hr 77594
16 hu 56682
24 it 12065
7 ja 209780
26 lv 5790
5 pl 236688
9 pt 157834
11 ru 110930
17 sk 56623
10 sl 113543
18 sq 44284
13 sr 76368
19 sv 41346
14 th 72319
21 ur 19660
3 zh 331702

Example of filtering datasets

Choose only Polish

pl = mms_dataset.filter(lambda row: row['language'] == 'pl')
_id text label original_dataset domain language Family Genus Definite articles Indefinite articles Number of cases Order of subject, object, verb Negative morphemes Polar questions Position of negative word wrt SOV Prefixing vs suffixing Coding of nominal plurality Grammatical genders cleanlab_self_confidence
215921 5119386 Typujcie jaki dziś będzie wynik St.Pats - Legi... 2 pl_twitter_sentiment social_media pl Indo-European Slavic no article no article 6-7 SVO negative particle question particle SNegVO strongly suffixing plural suffix masculine, feminine, neuter 0.589098
86525 4989990 @KaczmarSF Przyjemne ciarki mam, gdy patrzę na... 2 pl_twitter_sentiment social_media pl Indo-European Slavic no article no article 6-7 SVO negative particle question particle SNegVO strongly suffixing plural suffix masculine, feminine, neuter 0.950756
66031 4969496 szkoda bylo czasu i kasy . 0 pl_polemo reviews pl Indo-European Slavic no article no article 6-7 SVO negative particle question particle SNegVO strongly suffixing plural suffix masculine, feminine, neuter 0.940540
137768 5041233 @shinyvalentine mam ja w dupie lecz bylo to kr... 0 pl_twitter_sentiment social_media pl Indo-European Slavic no article no article 6-7 SVO negative particle question particle SNegVO strongly suffixing plural suffix masculine, feminine, neuter 0.220028
118766 5022231 @itiNieWracaj pokazują to gdzieś? 2 pl_twitter_sentiment social_media pl Indo-European Slavic no article no article 6-7 SVO negative particle question particle SNegVO strongly suffixing plural suffix masculine, feminine, neuter 0.139179

Use cases

Case 1

Thus, when training a sentiment classifier using our dataset, one may download different facets of the collection. For instance, one can download all datasets in Slavic languages in which polar questions are formed using the interrogative word order or download all datasets from the Afro-Asiatic language family with no morphological case-making.

slavic = mms_dataset.filter(lambda row: row["Genus"] == "Slavic" and row["Polar questions"] == "interrogative word order")
    train: Dataset({
        features: ['_id', 'text', 'label', 'original_dataset', 'domain', 'language', 'Family', 'Genus', 'Definite articles', 'Indefinite articles', 'Number of cases', 'Order of subject, object, verb', 'Negative morphemes', 'Polar questions', 'Position of negative word wrt SOV', 'Prefixing vs suffixing', 'Coding of nominal plurality', 'Grammatical genders', 'cleanlab_self_confidence'],
        num_rows: 252910

Case 2

afro_asiatic = mms_dataset.filter(lambda row: row["Family"] == "Afro-Asiatic" and row["Number of cases"] == "no morphological case-making")
    train: Dataset({
        features: ['_id', 'text', 'label', 'original_dataset', 'domain', 'language', 'Family', 'Genus', 'Definite articles', 'Indefinite articles', 'Number of cases', 'Order of subject, object, verb', 'Negative morphemes', 'Polar questions', 'Position of negative word wrt SOV', 'Prefixing vs suffixing', 'Coding of nominal plurality', 'Grammatical genders', 'cleanlab_self_confidence'],
        num_rows: 8619

Dataset Curators

The corpus was put together by


      title={Massively Multilingual Corpus of Sentiment Datasets and Multi-faceted Sentiment Classification Benchmark}, 
      author={Łukasz Augustyniak and Szymon Woźniak and Marcin Gruza and Piotr Gramacki and Krzysztof Rajda and Mikołaj Morzy and Tomasz Kajdanowicz},


  • BRAND24 -
  • CLARIN-PL-Biz -

Licensing Information

These data are released under this licensing scheme. We do not own any text from which these data and datasets have been extracted.

We license the actual packaging of these data under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This work is published from Poland.

Should you consider that our data contains material that is owned by you and should, therefore not be reproduced here, please: * Clearly identify yourself with detailed contact data such as an address, telephone number, or email address at which you can be contacted. * Clearly identify the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed. * Clearly identify the material claimed to be infringing and the information reasonably sufficient to allow us to locate the material.

We will comply with legitimate requests by removing the affected sources from the next release of the corpus.